Glen Finnan/Lochailhort - 6 March 2004

This is an area not often visited by the club, which is surprising as there is plenty of great scenery and walking to experience. The best routes from Glenfinnan are the Munros of the Corryhully Horseshoe, Streap (Translation: the climber's hill!) Sgurr Ghuibsachan, and Bheinn Odhar Mor and Bheinn Odhar Beag. A few miles down the road, Lochailort offers more possibilities, with the best route being a horseshoe which takes in the hills of Rois Beinn and An Stac. This has some of the best views possible of the islands of Rhum and Skye. Low level routes include some valley walks to small lochs, and best of all a shortish stroll to the bothy of Peanmeanach, which is on a beach. Beware on the lower hills; they are not greatly frequented so the walking can be extremely rough. Climbing is possible providing you can actually find the crags listed in the guidebook!

Landranger sheet 40 is suggested.