You are in: the club>committee>constitution DURC Constitution (2000) 1 Name
2. Aims 3. Membership 3.2 On payment of the annual subscription, graduate membership of the club shall be open to all graduates of the University of Dundee providing they are associate members of the sports union. 3.3 On payment of the annual subscription, members of staff of the University of Dundee shall be admitted providing they are associate members of the sports union. 3.4 Any person outwith the categories 3.1/3.2/3.3 shall be admitted to the club on (1) approval of their affiliation by the Sports Union Council after petition by the club's council representative at a council meeting, (2) payment to the sports union of an annual associate membership fee, and (3) payment of the club's annual subscription. 3.5 The annual subscription for ordinary, graduate, staff, and associate membership shall be fixed annually by the committee. 3.6 No person shall be eligible to attend a club meet without: Having paid the annual membership subscription and, 4. Committees Elected committee members deemed not to be carrying out their elected duties in a satisfactory manner may be removed from their positions by a two thirds majority vote of no confidence at a general meeting. The member proposed for removal must be notified in advance of the general meeting being called by a senior committee member. If any committee member resigns, leaves, or is removed, the committee shall have the power to co-opt another ordinary member in his or her place. The committee will have the power to temporarily co-opt ordinary members onto sub-committees for particular purposes at their discretion. Any decisions made by sub-committees must be ratified by the elected committee. The committee shall have charge of and be responsible for all club equipment and literature. 5. Honorary posts. Honorary Vice Presidents shall be elected annually by the current committee and shall be eligible for re-election. There will be a maximum of three honorary vice presidents. Honorary members will receive free membership for the duration of their position. They will be eligible to attend committee meetings in a non executive capacity 6. Meetings. General Meetings shall be called by the Minutes Secretary under order of the President, the committee, or upon receiving a petition signed by seven ordinary members expressing a desire for such a meeting. The club membership must be informed of a general meeting at least two weeks beforehand. 7. Constitution Any changes to the constitution will require ratification by the Sports Union Council before they are effective. 8. Discipline 9. Log Books A Meets Book shall be kept by the Meets Secretary. It shall contain Information relating to activities of the Club and its members. Accounts will be kept by the Treasurer in accordance with Sports Union policy and the Sports Union Constitution. The Minutes Secretary shall keep a log of all committee meetings and the decisions made thereat for publication to the membership and continuity between years. All log books will remain the sole property of the Club at all times. 10. Equipment The Club policy for the loan or hire of club equipment shall be set annually by the committee. Keys to the Gear store shall be solely kept by the President and the Gear Secretary. 11. Safety (Note also section 8. members shall abide by the club's safety guidelines) This constitution supersedes and nullifies all previous constitutions and constitutional amendments referring to the University of Dundee Rucksack Club, formerly Queen's College, Dundee Rucksack Club). Wednesday 22nd April 1998 You are in: the club>committee>constitution DURC Constitution (2000) 1 Name
2. Aims 3. Membership 3.2 On payment of the annual subscription, graduate membership of the club shall be open to all graduates of the University of Dundee providing they are associate members of the sports union. 3.3 On payment of the annual subscription, members of staff of the University of Dundee shall be admitted providing they are associate members of the sports union. 3.4 Any person outwith the categories 3.1/3.2/3.3 shall be admitted to the club on (1) approval of their affiliation by the Sports Union Council after petition by the club's council representative at a council meeting, (2) payment to the sports union of an annual associate membership fee, and (3) payment of the club's annual subscription. 3.5 The annual subscription for ordinary, graduate, staff, and associate membership shall be fixed annually by the committee. 3.6 No person shall be eligible to attend a club meet without: Having paid the annual membership subscription and, 4. Committees Elected committee members deemed not to be carrying out their elected duties in a satisfactory manner may be removed from their positions by a two thirds majority vote of no confidence at a general meeting. The member proposed for removal must be notified in advance of the general meeting being called by a senior committee member. If any committee member resigns, leaves, or is removed, the committee shall have the power to co-opt another ordinary member in his or her place. The committee will have the power to temporarily co-opt ordinary members onto sub-committees for particular purposes at their discretion. Any decisions made by sub-committees must be ratified by the elected committee. The committee shall have charge of and be responsible for all club equipment and literature. 5. Honorary posts. Honorary Vice Presidents shall be elected annually by the current committee and shall be eligible for re-election. There will be a maximum of three honorary vice presidents. Honorary members will receive free membership for the duration of their position. They will be eligible to attend committee meetings in a non executive capacity 6. Meetings. General Meetings shall be called by the Minutes Secretary under order of the President, the committee, or upon receiving a petition signed by seven ordinary members expressing a desire for such a meeting. The club membership must be informed of a general meeting at least two weeks beforehand. 7. Constitution Any changes to the constitution will require ratification by the Sports Union Council before they are effective. 8. Discipline 9. Log Books A Meets Book shall be kept by the Meets Secretary. It shall contain Information relating to activities of the Club and its members. Accounts will be kept by the Treasurer in accordance with Sports Union policy and the Sports Union Constitution. The Minutes Secretary shall keep a log of all committee meetings and the decisions made thereat for publication to the membership and continuity between years. All log books will remain the sole property of the Club at all times. 10. Equipment The Club policy for the loan or hire of club equipment shall be set annually by the committee. Keys to the Gear store shall be solely kept by the President and the Gear Secretary. 11. Safety (Note also section 8. members shall abide by the club's safety guidelines) This constitution supersedes and nullifies all previous constitutions and constitutional amendments referring to the University of Dundee Rucksack Club, formerly Queen's College, Dundee Rucksack Club). Wednesday 22nd April 1998 |