In 2004, Richard Taylor went to climb Everest from the North Side. Due to extremely bad weather and being stormbound at 7800m the team did not summit. Rick and another team member, however, did make it to a high point of 8000m before descending. Potentially he would have been the youngest Briton to summit Everest. Rick was raising money for the Jonathon Conville Memorial Trust. The expedition was also followed by a BBC film crew for the 'Challenge' programme.
In memory of Graham Leaver, the club renovated an outhouse at the back of Prince Charles' lodge at Glas Allt Shiel in 1989 and turned it into an open bothy. One of the most luxurious you will find, having double glazing on the upstairs windows! The club still maintains this bothy today; our most recent maintenance trip was in May 2009.
Stuart McKeggie, one of our members studying civil engineering, designed a bridge over a river in Torridon for his project. During the vacation, the club, sponsored by Scottish Heritage or the National Trust for Scotland (?), actually built the bridge.
Instead of the usual climbing trip at Easter a couple of years ago we decided it was time we did something a little more useful. Having been to Camasunary before (and parked our tents in front of a visiting film crew!) we had noticed the enormous amount of flotsam and jetsam lying on the shore of the bay (well, you can't miss it really!).
In glorious weather we resisted the urge to climb Blaven, instead trudging several miles over the hills carrying sacks of rubbish. A few hundred sackfulls later we had filled a skip and decided enough was enough.