"Climb now, work later". The DMM slogan seems to some it all up for me at the moment, as despite being in fourth year medicine, you will still find me at the climbing wall or out on the mountains at least two or three days a week. I started walking with my dad, bagging my first Munro at the age of twelve, and its all grown from there...
Hey everyone...I'm Viv. I'm in my second year of History and joined the club to take advantage of all of the hills that I don't have back home in flat Norfolk, and I am learning to climb through the club too! The social side has its appeals as well and I am usually always in the pub on Wednesdays. If I'm not out on a meet at the weekend I will probably either be fulfilling my film obsession or in the Union!
If you are interested in volunteering to become the club's Social Secretary please contact the committee.
Hi I'm Jon. When I'm not working, doing DIY on my flat or finding other ways to stress myself out I try to get outdoors as much as possible - Munro-bagging, mountaineering, skiing, cycling etc. There are even rumors that I have been seen climbing a few times. My immediate mountaineering aspirations are to get into ski-touring/ski-mountaineering, and to do some more big-mountain stuff in the Alps. Oh and when I get the odd minute, I also maintain the DURC website :)
(Honorary positions for 09/10 have yet to be decided)
The committee hold regular meetings to manage the club's affairs and make sure everything runs smoothly. Minutes of these meetings are archived here and are also distributed via our announcements forum.
For committee/club contact information click here.
See also: Club Constitution | Safety Policy